Europarådet (ERD) alm. del bilag

Din søgning gav 748 resultater
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Nr. Titel Dato

ERD Alm.del Bilag 83

Media and terrorism, Doc. 10557, 20 May 2005

(2004-05 (2. samling))

ERD Alm.del Bilag 82

Nyt fra Europarådet, 7/05, 2. juni 2005 og Europarådet i tekst og tal

(2004-05 (2. samling))

ERD Alm.del Bilag 81

Expenditure of the Assembly for the financial year 2006, Doc. 10559, 24 May 2005

(2004-05 (2. samling))

ERD Alm.del Bilag 80

Warsaw declaration. Third Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe (Warsaw, 16-17 May 2005), Doc. 10555

(2004-05 (2. samling))

ERD Alm.del Bilag 79

Action Plan. Third Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe, (Warsaw, 16-17 May 2005), Doc 10556

(2004-05 (2. samling))

ERD Alm.del Bilag 78

Budgets of the Council of Europe for the financial year 2006, Doc. 10558, 24 May 2005

(2004-05 (2. samling))

ERD Alm.del Bilag 77

REVISED. Budgets of the Council of Europe for the financial year 2006, Doc. 10558, 26 May 2005

(2004-05 (2. samling))

ERD Alm.del Bilag 76

Pressemeddelelse om kongressen af lokale og regionale myndigheders session, Strasbourg 31. maj - 2. juni 2005

(2004-05 (2. samling))

ERD Alm.del Bilag 75

Abolition of restrictions on the right to vote, Doc. 10553, 18 May 2005

(2004-05 (2. samling))

ERD Alm.del Bilag 74

Disappearance and murder of a great number of women and girls in Mexico, Doc. 10551, 12 May 2005

(2004-05 (2. samling))

ERD Alm.del Bilag 73

Recent political developments in the "former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" in the context of regional stability, Doc. 10547, 11 May 2005

(2004-05 (2. samling))

ERD Alm.del Bilag 72

Skriftlig afrapportering af Europarådets tredje topmøde i Warszawa den 16.-17. maj 2005

(2004-05 (2. samling))

ERD Alm.del Bilag 71

The right to strike in essential services: economic implications, doc. 10546, 11 May 2005

(2004-05 (2. samling))

ERD Alm.del Bilag 70

Improving the response to mental health needs in Europe, Doc. 10544, 10 May 2005

(2004-05 (2. samling))

ERD Alm.del Bilag 69

Protection of European deltas, Doc. 10542, 4 May 2005

(2004-05 (2. samling))

ERD Alm.del Bilag 68

Progress of the Assembly's monitoring procedure, (May 2004 - may 2005), Doc. 10541, (4 May 2005)

(2004-05 (2. samling))

ERD Alm.del Bilag 67

2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Minutes of Proceedings, Sixteenth Sitting, Friday 29 April at 10 a.m.

(2004-05 (2. samling))

ERD Alm.del Bilag 66

2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Minutes of Proceedings, Fiftteenth, Thursday 28 April at 3 p.m.

(2004-05 (2. samling))

ERD Alm.del Bilag 65

2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Minutes of Proceedings, Fourteenth Sitting, Thursday 28 April at 10 p.m.

(2004-05 (2. samling))

ERD Alm.del Bilag 64

2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Minutes of Proceedings, Thirteenth Sitting, Wednesday 27 April at 3 p.m.

(2004-05 (2. samling))

ERD Alm.del Bilag 63

2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Minutes of Proceedings, Twelfth Sitting, Wednesday 27 April at 10 a.m.

(2004-05 (2. samling))

ERD Alm.del Bilag 62

2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Minutes of Proceedings, Eleventh Sitting, Tuesday 26 April at 3 p.m.

(2004-05 (2. samling))

ERD Alm.del Bilag 61

2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Minutes of Proceedings, Tenth Sitting, Tuesday 26 April at 10 a.m.

(2004-05 (2. samling))

ERD Alm.del Bilag 60

2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Minutes of Proceedings, Ninth Sitting, Monday 25 April at 3 p.m.

(2004-05 (2. samling))

ERD Alm.del Bilag 59

2005 Ordinary Session, (Second Part) Report, Sixteenth sitting, Friday 29 April at 10 a.m.

(2004-05 (2. samling))

Din søgning gav 748 resultater
Vist pr. side: 25 50 100 200