ERD Alm.del Bilag 18
2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth Part), Minutes of Proceedings, Tuesday 4 October 2005, 3 p.m.
21-10-2005 (2005-06)
ERD Alm.del Bilag 17
2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth Part), Minutes of Proceedings, Tuesday 4 October 2005, 10 a.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 16
2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth Part), Minutes of Proceedings, Monday 3 October 2005, 3 p.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 15
2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth part) Report, Thirtyfirst, Thursday 6 October 2005 at 3 p.m.
24-10-2005 (2005-06)
ERD Alm.del Bilag 14
2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth part) Report, Thirtieth sitting, Thursday 6 October 2005 at 10 a.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 13
ADDENDUM 1 OECD and the world Economy, Forced marriages and child marriages, 2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth part) Report, Twenty-ninth sitting, Wednesday 5 October 2005 at 3 p.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 12
2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth part) Report, Twenty-ninth sitting, Wednesday 5 October 2005 at 3 p.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 11
2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth part) Report, Twenty-eight sitting, Wednesday 5 October 2005 at 10 p.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 10
ADDENDUM 2 Functioning of democratic institutions in Moldova 2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth part) Report, Twenty-seventh sitting, Tuesday 4 October 2005 at 3 p.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 9
ADDENDUM Women and religion in Europe 2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth part) Report, Twenty-sitxth sitting, Tuesday 4 October 2005 at 10 a.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 8
ADDENDUM Education and religion 2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth part) Report, Twenty-seventh sitting, Tuesday 4 October 2005 at 3 p.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 7
2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth part) Report, Twenty-seventh sitting, Tuesday 4 October 2005 at 3 p.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 6
2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth part) Report, Twenty-sixth sitting, Tuesday 4 October 2005 at 10 a.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 5
2005 Ordinary Session, (Fourth part) Report, Twenty-fifth sitting, Monday 3 October 2005 at 3.p.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 4
Pressemeddelelse vedrørende valg af ny, svensk menneskerettighedskommisær
12-10-2005 (2005-06)
ERD Alm.del Bilag 3
Brev fra Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights vedrørende valg af kandidat til CPT
ERD Alm.del Bilag 2
Billedoversigt over medlemmer og stedfortrædere
ERD Alm.del Bilag 1
Praktiske råd og vink
ERD Alm.del Bilag 140
Nyt fra Europarådet 12/5, 29. september 2005
06-10-2005 (2004-05 (2. samling))
ERD Alm.del Bilag 139
Internt dokument
28-09-2005 (2004-05 (2. samling))
ERD Alm.del Bilag 138
Kronologisk oversigt pr. 28. september 2005 over bilag omdelt til Europarådsdelegationen
ERD Alm.del Bilag 137
Education and religion, Doc. 10673, 19 September 2005
ERD Alm.del Bilag 136
Enforced disappearences, Doc. 10679, 19 September 2005
ERD Alm.del Bilag 135
Serious human rights violations in Libya - inhuman treatment of Bulgarian medical staff, Doc. 10677, 19 September 2005
ERD Alm.del Bilag 134
Honouring of obligations and commitments by Ukraine, Doc. 10676, 19 September 2005