ERD Alm.del Bilag 93
OMTRYK 2006 Ordinary Session, (First Part) Report, First Sitting, Monday 23 January 2006 at 3 p.m.
13-02-2006 (2005-06)
ERD Alm.del Bilag 92
ADDENDUM 1 2006 Ordinary Session, (First Part) Report, First Sitting, Monday 23 January 2006 at 3 p.m.
08-02-2006 (2005-06)
ERD Alm.del Bilag 91
2006 Ordinary Session, (First Part) Report, First Sitting, Monday 23 January 2006 at 3 p.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 90
2006 Ordinary Session (First Part), Sixth sitting, Thursday 26 January 2006 at 10 a.m.
04-02-2006 (2005-06)
ERD Alm.del Bilag 89
2006 Ordinary Session (First Part), Fifth sitting, Wednesday 25 January 2006 at 3 p.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 88
2006 Ordinary Session (First Part), Fourth sitting, Wednesday 25 January 2006 at 10 a.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 87
2006 Ordinary Session (First Part), Third sitting, Tuesday 24 January 2006 at 3 p.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 86
2006 Ordinary Session (First Part) Second sitting, Tuesday 24 January 2006 at 10 a.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 85
2006 Ordinary Session (First Part) First sitting, Monday 23 January 2006 at 3 p.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 84
The challenge of still unratified credentials of the parliamentary delegation of Azerbaijan on substantial grounds, Doc. 10807, 24 January 2006
ERD Alm.del Bilag 83
Situation in Belarus on the eve of the presidential election, Doc. 10806, 24 January 2006
ERD Alm.del Bilag 82
Observation of the presidential elections in Kazakhstan (4 December 2005), Doc. 10789
ERD Alm.del Bilag 81
Examination of credentials of representatives and substitutes, Doc. 10787, 20 January 2006
ERD Alm.del Bilag 80
Progress report of the Bureau of the Assembly and of the Standing Committee, Doc. 10794 (7 October 2005 - 23 January 2006)
ERD Alm.del Bilag 79
Nyt fra Europarådet, 1/2 2006.
02-02-2006 (2005-06)
ERD Alm.del Bilag 78
Inclusion in the Assembly's Rules of Procedure of a new rule on co-operation with the European Parliament, Doc. 10784, 13 January 2006
ERD Alm.del Bilag 77
Resumé af delegationsmøde torsdag den 19. januar 2006
31-01-2006 (2005-06)
ERD Alm.del Bilag 76
Internt dokument
19-01-2006 (2005-06)
ERD Alm.del Bilag 75
Inclusion in the Assembly's Rules of Procedure of a new rule on co-operation with the European Parliament, Doc. 10784, 11 January 2006
23-01-2006 (2005-06)
ERD Alm.del Bilag 74
Nyt fra Europarådet. Vinter-session i Europarådets Parlamentariske Forsamling (23.-27. januar 2006)
13-01-2006 (2005-06)
ERD Alm.del Bilag 73
Oversigt over komitémøder og gruppemøder under 1. session i Strasbourg, udkast
ERD Alm.del Bilag 72
Kronologisk oversigt pr. 12. januar 2006 over bilag omdelt til Europarådsdelegationen
12-01-2006 (2005-06)
ERD Alm.del Bilag 71
Implementation of Resolution 1415 (2005) on the honouring of obligations and commitmens by Georgia, Doc. 10779, 5 January 2006
15-01-2006 (2005-06)
ERD Alm.del Bilag 70
Ad hoc Committee to observe the referendum on the constitutional reforms in Armenia (27 november 2005), Doc. 10778, 22 December 2005
ERD Alm.del Bilag 69
Praktiske oplysninger i forbindelse med Europarådets 1. session 23. - 27. januar 2006