ERD Alm.del Bilag 170
ADDENDUM 1 2006 Ordinary Session (Second Part), Report, Twelfth sitting, Wednesday 12 April 2006 at 10. a.m.
25-04-2006 (2005-06)
ERD Alm.del Bilag 169
2006 Ordinary Session (Second Part), Report, Thirteenth sitting, Wednesday 12 April 2006 at 3. p.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 168
2006 Ordinary Session (Second Part), Report, Twelfth sitting, Wednesday 12 April 2006 at 10. a.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 167
ADDENDUM 1 2006 Ordinary Session (Second Part), Report, Eleventh sitting, Tuesday 11 April 2006 at 3. p.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 166
2006 Ordinary Session (Second Part), Report, Eleventh sitting, Tuesday 11 April 2006 at 3. p.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 165
ADDENDUM 1 2006 Ordinary Session (Second Part), Report, Tenth sitting, Tuesday 11 April 2006 at 10. a.m.
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2006 Ordinary Session (Second Part), Report, Tenth sitting, Tuesday 11 April 2006 at 10. a.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 163
ADDENDUM 3. 2006 Ordinary Session (Second Part), Report, Ninth Sitting, Monday 10 April 2006 at 3 p.m.
ERD Alm.del Bilag 162
ADDENDUM 2. 2006 Ordinary Session (Second Part), Report, Ninth Sitting, Monday 10 April 2006 at 3 p.m.
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ADDENDUM 1. 2006 Ordinary Session (Second Part), Report, Ninth Sitting, Monday 10 April 2006 at 3 p.m.
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2006 Ordinary Session (Second Part), Report, Ninth Sitting, Monday 10 April 2006 at 3 p.m.
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Forholdet mellem EU's Agentur for Grundlæggende Rettigheder m.v. og Europarådet
24-04-2006 (2005-06)
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Belarus in the aftermath of the Presidiential election of 19 March 2006, Doc. 10890, 11. april 2006
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Memorandum of understanding between the Council of Europe and the European Union, Doc. 10892, 11. april 2006
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Follow-up to the Third Summit: the Council of Europe and the Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union, Doc. 10894, 11. april 2006
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Stop trafficking in women before the FIFA World Cup, Doc. 10881, 10. april 2006
26-04-2006 (2005-06)
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Situation in the Middle East, Doc. 10882, 10. april 2006
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Poverty and the fight against corruption in the Council of Europe member states, Doc. 10834, 10. april 2006
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Supplerende dansk redegørelse til Europarådets Generalsekretær den 7. april 2006 vedr. påståede hemmelige CIA overflyvninger
20-04-2006 (2005-06)
ERD Alm.del Bilag 151
Progress report of the Bureau of the Assembly and the Standing Committee (27 January - 10 April 2006), Doc. 10874, 10 April 2006
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Observation of the parliamentary elections in Ukraine (26 March 2006), Doc. 10878, 8 April 2006
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Cultural diversity of the North Caucasus, Doc. 10869, 7 April 2006
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Examination of credentials of Representatives and Substitutes, Supplementary report, Doc. 10866, 7 April 2006
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Migration, refugees and population in the context of the third Summit of heads of state and government of member states of the Council of Europe (Warsaw, 16 - 17 May 2005) Doc. 10868, 3 April 2006
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Dagsorden for delegationsmødet torsdag den 27. april 2006
19-04-2006 (2005-06)