Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2023-24
UPN Alm.del Bilag 79
United Nations
Distr.: Limited
10 December 2023
Original: English
General Assembly
Tenth emergency special session
Agenda item 5
Illegal Israeli actions in Occupied East Jerusalem and the rest
of the Occupied Palestinian Territory
Algeria, Bahrain, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon,
Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan,
Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, Yemen and State of Palestine:* draft resolution
Protection of civilians and upholding legal and
humanitarian obligations
The General Assembly,
by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations,
its resolutions regarding the question of Palestine,
Recalling also
all relevant Security Council resolutions,
Taking note
of the letter dated 6 December 2023 from the Secretary-General,
under Article 99 of the Charter of the United Nations, addressed to the President of
the Security Council,
Taking note also
of the letter dated 7 December 2023 from the Commissioner-
General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the
Near East addressed to the President of the General Assembly,
Expressing grave concern
over the catastrophic humanitarian situation in the
Gaza Strip and the suffering of the Palestinian civilian population, and emphasizing
that the Palestinian and Israeli civilian populations must be protected in accordanc e
with international humanitarian law,
an immediate humanitarian ceasefire;
Reiterates its demand
that all parties comply with their obligations under
international law, including international humanitarian law, notably with regard to the
protection of civilians;
the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, as well
as ensuring humanitarian access;
to adjourn the tenth emergency special session temporarily and to
authorize the President of the General Assembly at its most recent session to resume
its meeting upon request from Member States.
* Any changes to the list of sponsors will be reflected in the official record of the meeting.
23-24855 (E)