Europaudvalget 2023-24
EUU Alm.del Bilag 465
Statement by Denmark on the European Health Data Space
Denmark strongly supported the goals of the
Commission’s proposal.
However due to the substantial
changes made to the text during the trilogues we are not convinced that the regulation as presented today
can deliver on the initial goals of the EHDS nor does it strike a reasonable balance between individual rights
and common public interests. We also have concerns regarding the financial burden of the proposal and
the possible consequences of the opt-out approach for our health systems.
Implementation of the EHDS will be complicated and involves substantial investments for the member
states. We are concerned about the economic burden EHDS places on the member states and see a need to
avoid imposing economic burdens on member states without clear and apparent benefits for patients and
health systems. It remains a priority going forward that associated delegated acts do not put further
economic burden on member states when implementing the EHDS.
Denmark regrets that it has not been possible to agree on an opt-out model with a stronger focus on
member states’ ability to provide efficient and innovative health care services for patients in the
future and foster research and innovation within the EU. In addition, there are concerns on how EHDS will
affect the ability to safeguard and protect patients and healthcare workers.