Erhvervs-, Vækst- og Eksportudvalget 2013-14
ERU Alm.del Bilag 73
25 November 2013
Danish Shipowners’ AssociationAmaliegade 33 � Copenhagen � Denmark
CoordinatorDr. Damien DegeorgesFounder of the Arctic Policy and Economic Forum
The conference is free of charge and opened to institutions, companies, media or by invitation.Registration is mandatory:[email protected]
The 2013 Arctic Policy and Economic Forum will focus on the link between Arctic shippingroutes and economic developments in the region. A keynote speech will highlight the case ofGreenland. Conclusion remarks will look at the potential of Denmark’s rising ‘Arctic hub’,Aalborg, in relation to both Greenland and Denmark as well as in a broader European context.



Welcome coffee and registration of participants

Opening session

Welcome remarks by Ambassador Erik Vilstrup Lorenzen

Arctic Ambassador, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark

Keynote speech by Palle Christiansen

Former Greenlandic Minister for Finance and Nordic Cooperation


Arctic Shipping Routes

Jan Fritz Hansen

Deputy Director General, Danish Shipowners’ Association

Rear Admiral Nils Wang

Commandant, Royal Danish Defence College

Ambassador Damien Miller

Australian Ambassador to the Kingdom of Denmark, Norway and Iceland

Ambassador Sturla Sigurjónsson

Icelandic Ambassador to the Kingdom of DenmarkModerator: Dr. Damien Degeorges



Networking lunch buffet

Economic Developments in the Arctic

Philippe Cambos

Technical Director, Marine and Offshore Division, Bureau Veritas

Patrick Brandt

Head of the Polar Affairs Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands

Ugo Miretti

Policy Officer, Raw Materials, Metals, Minerals and Forest-based IndustriesUnit, Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry, European Commission

Peter Bay Kirkegaard

Senior Advisor, International Market Policy, Confederation of Danish IndustryModerator: Dr. Damien Degeorges


Conclusion remarks by Thorkild M.R. Lauridsen

Director, Arctic Consensus, Denmark

Dr. Damien Degeorges

is the founder of the Arctic Policy and Economic Forum.A former freelance foreign correspondent for the Greenlandic newspaper ‘AG/Grønlandsposten’(2003-2007), he visited the Arctic for the first time in 1998. He graduated in Nordic studies (Danish)from Paris Sorbonne university and holds a doctoral degree in political science from Paris Descartesuniversity after a thesis on ‘The Role of Greenland in the Arctic’. He collaborated on several occasionswith the cabinet of then French Minister for Ecology Jean-Louis Borloo on Arctic issues (2007-2009)and taught international politics at the University of Greenland (2012). Dr. Degeorges headsan International Business Diplomacy Chair at Paris School of Business and is notably associated tothe Raoul-Dandurand Chair of Strategic and Diplomatic Studies (UQAM, Canada).

Ambassador Erik Vilstrup Lorenzen

is the Arctic Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark.Prior to his current position, he served as Danish Ambassador to Canada (2009-2013) and as ChiefAdvisor on European Union policy to then Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen(2006-2009). Erik Vilstrup Lorenzen was Head of Department at the Danish Ministry of ForeignAffairs, in charge of EU Policy (2005-2006) and Policy Planning (2003-2005). He was also posted tothe Danish Embassy in London as European Policy Advisor (2001-2003) and to the PermanentRepresentation of Denmark to the European Union (1994-1997). Erik Vilstrup Lorenzen holdsa degree in political science from the University of Aarhus (Denmark) and studied political scienceand journalism in the United States.

Palle Christiansen

was Greenland’s Minister for Finance and Nordic Cooperation (2009-2011) andMinister for Education, Research and Nordic Cooperation (2011-2013). He served in the Parliament ofGreenland between 2002 and 2013 as a member of the socio-liberal partyDemokraatitwhichhe co-founded in 2001. As Minister, he delivered speeches at international conferences such asExpo 2010 in Shanghai and the Rio+20 – United Nations Conference on Sustainable Developmentin 2012. He was keynote speaker at the International Polar Year 2012 Conference in Montreal.Palle Christiansen decided to leave Greenlandic politics as of 2 October 2013 to work in Denmark asa dentist, an occupation he managed to have part-time in Greenland while in office as Minister.He does however continue politics, as a member of the Danish partyLiberal Alliance.

Jan Fritz Hansen

is Deputy Director General of the Danish Shipowners’ Association (DSA).He graduated as an economist from the University of Copenhagen. A former DSA’s PermanentRepresentative to the European Communities and Director of DSA’s Brussels Office, Jan Fritz Hansenis also a member of several governmental and business advisory committees concerning domestic andinternational transport, taxation and general policy matters. Jan Fritz Hansen is Chairman ofthe European Shipowners’ Anti-Piracy Task Force.

Rear Admiral Nils Wang

is one of the leading experts in Denmark on Arctic Security issues.In 2011 he was invited by the Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs as special advisor on Arctic Securityduring the finalization of the Kingdom of Denmark´s Arctic Strategy. Rear Admiral Nils Wang isfrequently commenting Arctic matters on national and international media and he is an often usedguest speaker on conferences dealing with climate change. Prior to his present position asCommandant of the Royal Danish Defence College, he was Head of the Danish Navy from2005 to 2010. As junior officer, Nils Wang spent more than five years of sea duty in Arctic watersaround Greenland, including two years as Commanding Officer.

Ambassador Damien Miller

is the Ambassador of Australia to the Kingdom of Denmark, withside accreditations to Norway and Iceland. Damien Miller is the first Indigenous Australian to beappointed as head of an overseas mission. He is a career officer with the Australian Department ofForeign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and was prior to his current appointment Counsellor and DeputyHead of Mission at the Australian Embassy in Germany (2010-2013). Damien Miller has previouslyserved in the Australian High Commission in Malaysia (2000-2003), was desk officer in the DFAT'sSouth-East Asia Division (2003-2006) and Director of the Corporate Planning Section in the DFAT'sExecutive, Planning and Evaluation Branch (2007-2009). He was in 2009 Director of the DFAT'sAfghanistan Section. Damien Miller holds a Graduate Diploma in Foreign Affairs and Trade fromMonash University and a Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Laws from the University of New SouthWales. He was selected "Aboriginal Scholar of the Year" by the National NAIDOC Committeein 1993.

Ambassador Sturla Sigurjónsson

is the Ambassador of Iceland to the Kingdom of Denmark, withside accreditations to Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria. Prior to his current position, he was in a shortperiod of time Icelandic Ambassador to India (2006) before becoming Foreign Policy Advisor tothe Prime Minister of Iceland (2006-2009). In this capacity, he was involved in the organization ofa NATO seminar on “Security Prospects in the High North”, which took place in Reykjavik in January2009. Sturla Sigurjónsson held key positions at the Icelandic Ministry of Foreign Affairs, serving asDirector of the Political Department (2003-2006) and Director of the Defence Department(2002-2003). He was notably also Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of Iceland (EU Mission)in Brussels (2000-2002), Iceland’s Deputy Permanent Representative to NATO and WEU in Brussels(1997-2000) and to the UN in New York (1996-1997). He worked also at NATO HQ in Brussels(1988-1991). Sturla Sigurjónsson holds a degree in English Litterature and History fromthe University of Iceland.

Philippe Cambos

has been Technical Director at the Marine and Offshore Division of BureauVeritas since 2012. Prior to his current position, he was appointed in 2008 Project Manager for theclassification and certification of a project of FPU in the Barents Sea. A naval architect by education,Philippe Cambos joined Bureau Veritas (calculation team) in 1991. In 1994 he joined the developmentteam of VeriSTAR software, where he was in charge of the development of fatigue methodologies.In 1997 he was appointed Head of the tanker section in the Paris plan approval office. In 2002 he wasappointed Head of the Oil & Gas section in the Technical Department of Bureau Veritas MarineDepartment. Within this section he was in charge of drawing review for hull part of Oil tankers, Gascarriers and offshore units, including mooring systems and was involved in engineering studies ofmaintenance of in-service FPSOs. This experience was used in the development of the Bureau VeritasRules for the classification of offshore units.

Patrick Brandt

is Head of the Polar Affairs Section at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ofThe Netherlands. He is Secretary to the Netherlands’ Interdepartemental PolarConsultations, Representative of the Netherlands to the Arctic Council and Member ofthe Netherlands’ delegation to the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ACTM).

Ugo Miretti

is Policy Officer in the Raw Materials, Metals, Minerals and Forest-based IndustriesUnit of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry, where he notablydeals with aluminium, Greenland and the Arctic. Prior to that, he worked in the fields of energyefficiency and economic competitiveness.

Peter Bay Kirkegaard

works at the Confederation of Danish Industry (DI), which is the largestDanish business organisation. DI is a private organisation funded, owned and managed entirely by10,000 companies within manufacturing, trade and service industry covering virtually all sub-sectors.Also, a number of sectoral employers' associations and branch federations are included inDI's framework, being integrated in part or in full in DI. DI has around 600 employees. Peter BayKirkegaard works at the division for International Market Policy, where he works on trade policyissues. He is also responsible for DI’s political work related to the Arctic region.

Thorkild Mørk Rønbøl Lauridsen

has been the Director of Arctic Consensus since March 2013.Arctic Consensus has been established by the North Denmark Region, Aalborg University, the Port ofAalborg and Aalborg Municipality. Previously to his current position, Thorkild M.R. Lauridsen wasDirector of Infrastructure and Environment in Nuuk, the capital city of Greenland (2007-2013).He also worked as a Chief Consultant in Local Government Denmark, which is the interest group andmember authority of Danish municipalities. Thorkild M.R. Lauridsen holds a M.Sc. in PublicAdministration from Aalborg University (Denmark).