Det Udenrigspolitiske Nævn 2009-10
UPN Alm.del Bilag 24

The Royal Danish Embassy in Beijing presents its compliment to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of thePeople’s Republic of China and has the honor to refer to the following.Denmark attaches great importance to the considerable progress of the bilateral relations and the fruitfulcooperation in the political, economic, cultural, educational, scientific and technological fields since theestablishment of diplomatic relations in 1950. Last year in October Premier Wen Jiabao and PrimeMinister Anders Fogh Rasmussen signed a Comprehensive Strategic Partnership, which aims at furtherstrengthening the bilateral relations between Denmark and China.Bilateral relations have since 1950 been steadily enhanced with greater political mutual trust and respectand expanded economic cooperation and trade that have benefited both parties.Denmark has a long-standing tradition for friendship with China. Denmark was amongst the firstcountries in the World to recognize the People’s Republic of China and various Danish governments havealways supported the one China policy. Danes and Danish companies have come to China in greatnumbers, in particular since the Policy of Reform and Opening Up was initiated in 1978. Today closecooperation takes place in the areas of investments, commerce, environment, education, research,tourism, culture etc.The importance of China in Danish foreign policy is also reflected in the significant Danish diplomaticpresence in the larger political and commercial hubs in China. Denmark is represented with an embassyin Beijing, three Consulates General (Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hongkong) and a Consulate in Chongqing.The latter was opened in 2005 in light of the Chinese Go-West Policy and the commercial opportunitiesstemming from this initiative. Also in 2005 the Danish Cultural Institute in Beijing was officially openedand in 2007 Denmark opened an Innovation Center in Shanghai in order to cooperate with leadingChinese universities and companies in the fields of scientific and commercial innovation projects.Members of the Danish Royal family and Government are frequent guests in China. Last year His RoyalHighness Crown Prince Frederik, accredited as acting Head of State, witnessed the historic openingceremony of the Olympic Games in Beijing together with members of the Danish Government. Other highlevel visits includes our Prime Minister and other members of his cabinet as visits by His Royal Highnessthe Prince Consort and other members of the Royal family. Next year Denmark looks forward toparticipating in EXPO 2010 in Shanghai with a National Pavilion centered around the statue of The LittleMermaid.Denmark attaches great importance to its friendly ties with China and intends to develop the relationshipon the basis of mutual respect, taking into account the fundamental interests of the two countries.Denmark has a strategic, long term vision for its relationship with China and intends to strengthencontinuously the bilateral relations in different areas in order to ensure a harmonious and stable Danish-Chinese relationship.Denmark is fully aware of the importance and sensitivity of Tibet-related issues and attaches greatimportance to the view of the Chinese government on these issues. Denmark takes very seriously theChinese opposition to meetings between members of the Danish Government and the Dalai Lama, andhas duly noted Chinese views that such meetings are against the core interest of China, and will handlesuch issue prudently. In this regard, Denmark reaffirms its One-China Policy and its unchanged positionthat Tibet is an integral part of China. Denmark recognizes China’s sovereignty over Tibet andaccordingly opposes the independence of Tibet.Next year in May we look forward to celebrating the 60 year anniversary of the diplomatic connectionsbetween Denmark and the PRC. Denmark hopes to cooperate with China in order to ensure high-levelexchanges before, during and after the celebration. Denmark would like to use this opportunity to renewits invitation to President Hu Jintao to come to Denmark as the official guest of Her Majesty QueenMargrethe II. EXPO 2010 in Shanghai will also be an excellent opportunity to celebrate the long-lastingand multifaceted friendship between our two countries.The Royal Danish Embassy in Beijing avails itself of the opportunity to renew to the Ministry of ForeignAffairs of the People’s Republic of China the assurances of its highest consideration.